What Are Preventive Treatments Offered by a General Dentist?

General Dentist Atlanta, GA

General dentists spend a significant portion of their time performing preventative dental treatments. These treatments reduce the odds of common dental issues, like tooth decay and gum disease, from developing in the future. Preventative care saves patients time and money by making it less likely that they will develop severe dental problems that call for extensive dental surgery or restorations.

Popular preventative treatments performed by a general dentist

Good oral hygiene is the foundation of preventative dentistry and involves regular dental visits and good at-home dental care. The recommended guidelines for oral hygiene urge people to floss daily and brush twice daily to remove food particles, debris, and plaque from teeth surfaces. In addition, the following are some treatments a general dentist may perform at a routine dental visit to help prevent serious dental issues.

Teeth cleaning

Dentists recommend getting teeth cleaned twice a year. The procedure involves removing tartar deposits from teeth surfaces. Tartar is hardened plaque that forms due to the plaque left on teeth surfaces for extended periods. It houses oral bacteria and the acids they produce, which destroy teeth structures. Removing tartar buildup on teeth surfaces twice a year helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay. In addition, it improves the appearance of teeth because stains are more likely to form on tartar deposits.

Dental sealants

Getting dental sealants is an effective way to help prevent tooth decay. A dentist usually recommends dental sealants for children who are still developing good oral hygiene habits and adults who are vulnerable to tooth decay. The treatment involves painting the patient's tooth with a varnish that keeps acids and other irritants in the mouth away from teeth surfaces. Dental sealants are more likely to be applied to molars in the back of the mouth because these are the hardest to clean, which makes them the most vulnerable to tooth decay. This procedure is a quick and simple one that can save hours in the dentist's chair restoring teeth after tooth decay.

Fluoride treatments

Dentists can use fluoride treatments to remineralize teeth susceptible to tooth decay. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral shown to strengthen enamel. Some people do not get enough of this mineral from natural sources. Therefore, dentists will suggest this treatment. Dentists frequently recommend fluoride treatments to children. However, adults can also benefit, especially those prone to tooth decay.

Like dental sealants that also prevent cavities, the procedure is fairly simple. There are two main ways dentists perform fluoride treatments. First, many dentists will paint fluoride varnish on teeth. Other times, the treatment involves having the patient bite down on a mouth tray filled with a fluoride-infused solution. The patient will need to keep the tray in place for about a minute. A fluoride treatment can protect teeth from decay for up to six months and is sometimes used after teeth whitening treatments to prevent sensitivity.

Comprehensive examinations

General Dentists recommend a comprehensive examination at each patient's twice-yearly visit. These thorough exams allow the oral professional to check for issues in their infancy. This early detection saves the patient money in the long run because it is cheaper to treat most dental issues in their early stages.

Gum disease is a prime example of a condition that benefits greatly from early detection. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, does not start as the most severe form of periodontitis. Early on, gum disease is an inflammatory condition known as gingivitis. When a dentist catches the disease at this stage, they can help the patient reverse it completely. However, once gum disease has progressed to periodontitis, the patient and dentist cannot reverse it. It can only be treated and kept in check to prevent further damage.

Protective gear

A general dentist can also help prevent oral issues by providing their patients with protective gear like mouthguards and nightguards. These oral appliances help cushion the forces that teeth experience. Specifically, a mouthguard reduces the impact of blows to the face and protects the teeth during activities such as high-contact sports. On the other hand, a nightguard reduces the damaging effects of teeth grinding. Many patients grind their teeth at night and are unaware they are wearing down their enamel. Without a nightguard, patients continue to damage their teeth, making them more vulnerable to cavities and dental trauma.

Take good care of your mouth

Good oral health promotes good overall health. General dentists recommend coming in for an appointment twice or more frequently if your circumstances call for it. Call or visit our Atlanta clinic to set up an appointment with our dentist.

Request an appointment here: https://nwdentalatlanta.com or call Dr. Charles Arp, DDS & Dr. Smriti Bajaj, DMD at (404) 682-2887 for an appointment in our Atlanta office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Atlanta, GA.

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